Dale C. Van Demark

Dale C. Van Demark advises clients in the health industry on strategic transactions and the evolution of health care delivery models. He has extensive experience in health system affiliations and joint venture transactions. Dale also provides counseling on the development of technology in health care delivery, with a particular emphasis on telemedicine. Dale has been at the forefront of advising clients with respect to the globalization of the US health care industry. He advises US and non-US enterprises with respect to the formation of cross-border affiliations and international patient programs. In addition to writing regularly on matters related to his practice, Dale has spoken at numerous conferences around the world on the globalization of health care. Read Dale Van Demark's full bio.
Trending in Telehealth: February 27 – March 5, 2023
By Ashley Ogedegbe and Dale C. Van Demark on Mar 13, 2023
Posted In Telehealth
Trending in Telehealth is a new series from the McDermott Digital Health team in which we highlight state legislative and regulatory developments that impact the healthcare providers, telehealth and digital health companies, pharmacists, and technology companies that deliver and facilitate the delivery of virtual care. Trending in the past week: Interstate Compacts Medicaid Reimbursement Prescribing Health...
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Trending in Telehealth: January 17 – 23, 2023
By Dale C. Van Demark and Abby Higgins on Jan 24, 2023
Posted In Telehealth
Trending in Telehealth is a new weekly series from the McDermott Digital Health team where we highlight state legislative and regulatory developments that impact the healthcare providers, telehealth and digital health companies, pharmacists, and technology companies that deliver and facilitate the delivery of virtual care. Trending this week: Provider Licensing Telehealth Definitions Telehealth Service Expansion...
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Staying Connected: An Update on Medicare Reimbursement for Telehealth Services After the PHE
By Amanda Enyeart, Dawn R. Helak, Marshall E. Jackson, Jr., Lisa Mazur, Dale C. Van Demark, Mara McDermott and Lauren Knizner on Dec 21, 2021
Posted In Telehealth
In hopes that the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) will soon end, Congress and the administration are evaluating the telehealth expansions and flexibilities put in place to respond to the PHE. As a result, the future for telehealth stakeholders remains uncertain. This article outlines various changes in Medicare telehealth reimbursement policy in effect during the...
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CMS Addresses Virtual Care Expansion in CY 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposal
By Amanda Enyeart, Marshall E. Jackson, Jr., Lisa Mazur and Dale C. Van Demark on Jul 27, 2021
Posted In Telehealth
On July 23, 2021, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published its annual proposed changes to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS), which include several key telehealth and other virtual care-related proposals. The proposals address long-standing restrictions that have historically limited the use of telehealth and virtual care, including geographic and originating site...
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Waiver of State Licensure Requirements for the Delivery of COVID-19 Countermeasures via Telehealth
By Lisa Mazur, Amanda Enyeart, Dale C. Van Demark and Marshall E. Jackson, Jr. on Dec 9, 2020
Posted In Telehealth
In a fourth amendment to the March 17, 2020, Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act), the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has expanded access to COVID-19 Covered Countermeasures through telehealth and clarified the scope of liability protections provided by the PREP Act. In particular, the declaration is important to telehealth...
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National Telehealth Takedown Highlights Opportunity for Providers to Enhance Compliance Efforts
By James A. Cannatti III, Marshall E. Jackson, Jr., Tony Maida, Lisa Mazur, Dale C. Van Demark and Caroline Reigart on Oct 19, 2020
Posted In Telehealth
The US Department of Justice and the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General recently announced a significant healthcare fraud takedown involving $4.5 billion in allegedly false and fraudulent claims involving telehealth. The allegations involved telehealth executives paying healthcare providers to order unnecessary items and services, as well as payments from...
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Florida’s Extension of its COVID-19 Out-of-State Provider Waiver: A Sign of the Times
By Adam J. Rogers, Dale C. Van Demark and Danielle N. Scheer on Apr 17, 2020
Posted In General Interest, Telehealth
Background: Issuing Florida’s Emergency Order On March 16, 2020, Florida Surgeon General Dr. Scott Rivkees signed, stamped and finalized Emergency Order 20-002. In doing so, Florida joined what would become the vast majority of states in modifying licensure requirements for physicians in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency. The surgeon general’s order waived licensing requirements...
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$200 Million of Funding for COVID-19 Telehealth Program
By Dale C. Van Demark, Lisa Mazur, Marshall E. Jackson, Jr. and Rachel Stauffer on Apr 14, 2020
Posted In Telehealth
On April 2, 2020, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) launched the $200 million Coronavirus (COVID-19) Telehealth Program contemplated in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The Telehealth Program is distinguishable from the broader Connected Care Pilot Program, which will make an additional $100 million in federal universal service funds available for telehealth...
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Avoiding Confusion Over State Licensing Laws as CMS Further Loosens Telemedicine Restrictions
By Dale C. Van Demark, Dawn R. Helak, Lisa Mazur and Rachel Stauffer on Apr 10, 2020
Posted In Telehealth
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continues to loosen the conditions for participation in Medicare, as well as specific reimbursement requirements, to ensure facilities and practitioners are able to practice at the top of their license and across state lines without jeopardizing Medicare reimbursement. Unfortunately, as demonstrated when CMS took similar actions over...
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Bipartisan Bill Relaxes Federal Telehealth Requirements in the Wake of COVID-19
By Dale C. Van Demark, Lisa Mazur and Marshall E. Jackson, Jr. on Mar 5, 2020
Posted In Telehealth
On March 4, 2020, the House passed the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020, a bipartisan bill to aid in COVID-19 preparedness and response. The bill includes, among other things, provisions that waive certain telehealth requirements during the COVID-19 public health emergency to ensure Medicare beneficiaries can receive telehealth services at home to avoid...
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